During three different lectures, you'll look through the eyes of a philosopher, storyteller and poet and discover stories in art. By watching closely, philosophizing and learning how to create poems, you will become a bit of a storytelling expert yourself.
College: How do you know if a story is true?
Sometimes you read an article and you ask yourself, Is that story true? How do you know what is or is not true? In Piet Mondrian's paintings there are extraordinary stories. But are they true? Or is the truth much more fun? Philosophers have thought long and hard about what is truth. Together with philosopher Esther Didden you will go on a quest for truth during this interactive lecture.
Expert: Esther Didden
Practical information
Dates: Sunday, Feb. 16, March 15 & April 19
Time: 1 p.m. - 2 p.m.
Cost: 15.00,- (total)
Location: Mondrian House
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