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Children's tour


Children can join one of the "forbidden for parents" tours, an interactive, discovery tour for children ages 6 to 10.

Every work of art tells a story!

In the children's tour, you and a museum docent will explore the artwork of African-American artists. What stories can you discover in their paintings, drawings, sculptures, collages and photographs? And how do you actually do that, make an artwork tell a story? And why is storytelling important? Will you join us?

There is room for up to 10 children and the tour costs €2 per child. You can sign up by sending an email to: boekingen@kunsthalkade.nl

activities 23 kerry james marshall vignette


24.08.2024 - 05.01.2025
Sep. 2024
All activities

Come experiment and create in the KAdEStudio!


Art books, magazines, postcards, design items, gadgets and jewelry.

Quayside Shop

The KAdECafé is the place on Eemplein for a good cappuccino or cup of tea, with or without cake.