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Boarding tours


Bij Mona Hatoum: Inside Out organiseert Kunsthal KAdE elke zondag van 11.00 - 12.00 uur een instaprondleiding.

With each exhibition, we organize entry-level tours. These tours are open to a wide audience and focus on the story behind the exhibition, the theme and the artist(s) themselves. The guided tours are free on presentation of a valid admission ticket to KAdE. Reservations are not required, but please report to the front desk on time, as a maximum of 15 people can take part. 

When: Iedere zondag t/m 4 mei (uitgezonderd feestdagen)
Time: 11 a.m.-12 p.m.
Location: Kunsthal KAdE
Costs: free on presentation of a valid admission ticket

Now:Mona Hatoum: Inside Out

01.02.2025 - 04.05.2025
Feb. 2025
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Quayside Shop

The KAdECafé is the place on Eemplein for a good cappuccino or cup of tea, with or without cake.