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South Africa on the Eem


In partnership with Schools in the Arts, the Library and the Archives will host a day of South African culture.

Come play on Djembés, listen to South African music, discover stories of South Africa or see the exhibition Tell Freedom. On March 25, the Eemhuis will be filled with South African culture. 








Kunsthal KAdE

13:00 - 14:00
Boarding tour



15:00 - 16:00 Boarding tour





13:30 - 15:10
Film Black Butterflies (100 min)


15:30 - 16:30 Film 'Korreltjie niks is my dood' (53 min)



Eem Hall

13:00 - 13:30 Storyteller Makheni Zonneveld


14:00-  15:00
African dance workshop


15:30 - 16:30
Djembe Workshop


17:00 - 18:30
True story


13:00 - 17:00
Walk-in workshop 'Future City'

All activities are free of charge. On the entrance fee of the exhibition Tell Freedom you will receive 2 euros discount.

Boarding tour
Kunsthal KAdE features the exhibition Tell Freedom. 15 South- African artists. In this group exhibition, 15 young South African artists delve into the past, present and future of their country. During the guided tour you will discover the story behind the exhibition, the theme and the participating artists.

Black Butterflies (100 min)
A biographical film about South African poet Ingrid Jonker (1933-1965). Jonker grew up with her mother and grandmother and, after her mother's death at age 11, was forced to live with her father, a conservative politician and Minister of Censorship.

Korreltjie nothing is my death
A 2001 Dutch television documentary by Saskia van Schaik about South African poet Ingrid Jonker (1933-1965).

African dance workshop
Simone Heijloo is a dancer, teacher, dance therapist and movement coach. Simone teaches African Modern dance and is a unique dance teacher in this technique in the Netherlands. Come to South Africa on the Eem and dance together with Simone during this workshop! (Also suitable for children)

Djembe Workshop
Teacher Abu Swaleh will teach you how to make different sounds, play tight rhythms and how to hit them on the African instrument, Djembe.

Storyteller Makheni Zonneveld
Makheni Zoneveld is an award-winning South African storyteller who now lives and works in the Netherlands. She lived in South Africa during and after apartheid. She tells one of her South African stories and answers questions about everyday life in South Africa (also suitable for children).

'City of the Future' Workshop
In South Africa, the young generation is looking forward to a future where inequality no longer exists. What does your ideal future look like? Build your ideal city in this workshop. This is an entry-level workshop for children ages 6 and up.

True story
On Sunday, March 25, another edition of 'True storytelling' will take place at the Eemhuis. 'True storytelling' is a story stage where real people, real stories are told, based on the American "The Moth". The theme this time is "Letting Go/Freedom" hooked on the issues in South Africa.

Now:Mona Hatoum: Inside Out

01.02.2025 - 04.05.2025
Feb. 2025
All activities

Come experiment, discover and create for yourself in the KAdEStudio!


Beautiful art books, magazines, postcards, unique design items, gadgets and jewelry.

Quayside Shop

The KAdECafé is the place on Eemplein for a good cappuccino or cup of tea, with or without cake.