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Here you will find our visitor and mailing address and the addresses for suppliers and invoices.

Visitor address
Eemplein 77
3812 EA Amersfoort
T: 033 4225030 (general)
E: info@kunsthalkade.nl (general)
c.rengers@kunsthalkade.nl (press)
p.vantellingen@kunsthalkade.nl (shop)

Postal address
P.O. Box 699
3800 AR Amersfoort

Suppliers (rear of Eemhuis)
Gas Avenue 22A
3812 EJ Amersfoort

Amersfoort Foundation in C
Accounts payable department
Kunsthal KAdE/ R. Roos
P.O. Box 699
3800 AR Amersfoort

Kunsthal KAdE's exhibition program is scheduled well in advance. We cannot answer or return all unsolicited offers for exhibitions or works of art.

Directions to Eemhuis / Kunsthal KAdE for suppliers
Gaslaan 22A | 3812 EJ Amersfoort

From Utrecht
From A28, take exit Maarn (no.5) towards Amersfoort
After 450 m, turn left on Doornseweg (N227) toward Amersfoort
After 1.5 km, take the second exit at the traffic circle (on Leusderweg)
After 1.3 km, take the second exit on the traffic circle (the Arnhemseweg)
After 350 m, turn left onto the Stadsring
After 0.7 km, take exit De nieuwe poort
After 120 m, take the fifth exit on the traffic circle (Eemlaan)
Take equal After the bike path, turn right. This exit goes over the Stadsring/Nieuwe Poort, parallel to the railroad tracks.
After 250 meters you are in front of the expeditions of the Eemhuis, Gaslaan 22

From Amsterdam (A1)
Take the Bunschoten exit on the A1 (exit 12) N199
After 450 m, take the second exit at the traffic circle (the Bunschoterstraat (N199) towards Amersfoort
After 0.7 km, take the second exit on the traffic circle (on Bunschoterstraat (N199) towards Amersfoort
After 0.8 km, take the second exit on the traffic circle (on Bunschoterstraat (N199) towards Amersfoort
After 2.1 km, turn left onto Maatweg
After 1.2 km, turn right onto the Ringweg-Koppel
After 0.5 km, turn left onto the Amsterdamseweg
After 0.6 km, take exit De nieuwe poort
After 175 m, take the third exit on the traffic circle (Eemlaan)
Take equal After the bike path, turn right. This exit goes over the Stadsring/Nieuwe Poort, parallel to the railroad tracks.
After 250 meters you are in front of the expeditions of the Eemhuis, Gaslaan 22

Now:Mona Hatoum: Inside Out

01.02.2025 - 04.05.2025
Feb. 2025
All activities

Come experiment, discover and create for yourself in the KAdEStudio!


Beautiful art books, magazines, postcards, unique design items, gadgets and jewelry.

Quayside Shop

The KAdECafé is the place on Eemplein for a good cappuccino or cup of tea, with or without cake.