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Wegens de opbouw van de nieuwe tentoonstelling is Kunsthal KAdE gesloten. Op 1 februari 2025 opent de solotentoonstelling Mona Hatoum: Inside Out

Caspar van Wittel, View of Rome with the Castle of Angels, date unknown, oil on canvas, 53 x 111.2 cm, inv. 1822.1.20, Musée des Beaux-Arts, Rouen
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Lecture Mariska Doesburg


To accompany the exhibition MAESTRO VAN WITTEL, art historian Mariska Doesburg, affiliated with the Free Academy, gives a lecture on "the father of the veduta.

Lecture: overview of the father of the veduta

It is common knowledge of Piet Mondrian, but who knows that Caspar van Wittel (1653-1736) was born in Amersfoort? Who knows at all who Van Wittel is? He is unknown in the Netherlands, but in Italy they consider him the inventor of the "veduta," a detailed city view. Unlike his contemporaries, Van Wittel painted the city of Venice as it was - at least free of baroque putti or other fairy tale creatures. And this "clean" vision was imitated by Italian artists such as Canaletto, Bellotto and Guardi. Kunsthal KAdE in Amersfoort enthusiastically takes on the task of giving their fellow city dweller the fame he deserves. The lecture by art historian Mariska Doesburg ties in nicely with this mission.

Location: Kunsthal KAdE, Eemzaal
Price: €18.00, excluding museum admission, discounted admission with Museumkaart.

Tickets on sale through: https://vrijeacademie.nl/7868/uitgebreid-zoeken/lezing-caspar-van-wittel-in-kade-amersfoort/

activities 6 rouen musee des beaux arts vanwittel tevere castel santangelo

Expected:Mona Hatoum: Inside Out

01.02.2025 - 04.05.2025
Feb. 2025
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